Ravna šoba z nizko stopnjo hrupa, 1/2 - 27 UNS,  21.5 mm slika

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Ravna šoba z nizko stopnjo hrupa, 1/2 - 27 UNS, 21.5 mm

SKU: 114461RIE
EAN: 4047322247825

Low noise flat nozzle, 1/2 - 27 UNS, Safety nozzle for high performance air gun, nickel-plated brass, Nozzle width 21.5 mm

If correctly designed, these noise-reducing nozzles guarantee a lower noise level than conventional one-hole types with an identical blowing force.

They are usually fitted with a noise-reducing plastic insert and they are recommended by the German BGIA (Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).

Čas dobave: Predvidoma 3 - 5 dni
93,50 €
ali od 17,21 € / mesec
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Obrestno financiranje
  • 17,21 € x 6 mesecev
  • 34,03 € x 3 mesecev

Leanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberi Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.

Primerjaj z ostalimi
Šifra Diagram Širina šobe [mm] Zaloga Cena Nakup Natisni
114461RIE 11 21.5
Čas dobave: Predvidoma 3 - 5 dni
93,50 € Natisni
114463RIE 13 21.0
Čas dobave: Predvidoma 3 - 5 dni
96,42 € Natisni
114462RIE 12 29.0
Čas dobave: Predvidoma 3 - 5 dni
114,41 € Natisni


Low noise flat nozzle, 1/2 - 27 UNS, Safety nozzle for high performance air gun, nickel-plated brass, Nozzle width 21.5 mm

If correctly designed, these noise-reducing nozzles guarantee a lower noise level than conventional one-hole types with an identical blowing force.

They are usually fitted with a noise-reducing plastic insert and they are recommended by the German BGIA (Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).

Tehnični podatki in specifikacije

Tip šobe Low-noise flat nozzle
Navoj 1/2 - 27 UNS
Material Nickel-plated brass
Dolžina [mm] 100.0
Širina šobe [mm] 21.5
Diagram 11